The students with excellent performance always leave their marks in the sands of time and the following are some champions in the classrooms in academics.


1. 08IA002 Jejulin Twinky 2008-2010
2. PR09EN1002 Trescillia 2009-2011
3. PR10EN1002 Sushyni 2010-2012
4. PR11EN1011 Shiny Elavarasi 2011-2013
5. PR12EN1003 Joan Divya 2012-2014
6. PR13EN1008 Frederick 2013- 2015


Through IAESTE, Department provides challenging opportunities to the students to enrich their learning experience, to register for research or advanced study internship in our department, to have international awareness and exposure of language teaching and to obtain job opportunities.
Miss. Trescillia did one semester project in North Western College, Minnesota through exchange programme.

Through teaching internship programmes our students Suvilla and Mereena had internship in Thailand and Suvilla also had a teaching exposure in Thailand.

Through IASTE program an International student from the University of Pedagogica Colombia, did research and internship in our department Through IASTE Mangolian students did research in our department.


Department Literary association PEARL is inaugurated and activities and competitions are conducted to motivate and bring out the creativity and the talents of the students.


The distinguished alumni of the department:

Name of the Student Reg. No. Course of study Branch Year of completion Position held Organization / institution
Trescillia PR09EN1002 M.A English 2011 Language Trainer Value Academy, Bangalore
Sushyni PR10EN1002 M.A English 2012 Language Analyst Google, Hyderabad
Dr. Nageshwari 09ZL002 M.Phil, Ph.D English 2011 Assistant Professor VIT, Vellore.
Shiny Elavarasi PR11EN1011 M.A English 2013 Assistant Professor Hindustan college of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.
Anjali PR12EN1001 M.A English 2014 Teacher The Indian Public School, Coimbatore
Joan Divya PR12EN1003 M.A English 2014 Teacher The Indian Public School, Coimbatore
Lincy PR12EN1006 M.A English 2014 Lecturer Sri Krishna College of Arts and Science