CISCO Center of Excellence for Advanced Networking

CISCO Centre of Excellence for advanced networking is an innovative step by the School of Computer Science and Technology towards providing the industry oriented training and to carry out research on the cutting edge technologies in the field of networking. This Centre is equipped with routers, switches, wireless broadband routers, and firewall.

The under graduate students, post graduate students and the research scholars of the school effectively utilize the computing resources of the Cisco centre.

  • Networking Components
    • Cisco 2811 series routers
    • Cisco 2960 catalyst switches
    • Linksys wireless broadband routers
    • Adaptive Security Appliances
  • IoT Controller Boards and Sensors
    • Arduino UNO
    • Raspberry Pi 3
    • GSM SIM with GPRS
    • Zigbee S2C with USB Base Board
    • ESP-8266 ESP12
    • Sensors
  •  Software
    • Packet Tracer 7.0
    • NS2
    • GNS3

15 post graduate projects and 40 under-graduate projects have been completed. Research papers have been published in refereed international journals by springer and Elsevier publishers with impact factor. The research works carried out in Cisco Centre include

• Energy efficient data recovery using greedy algorithm in WSNs
• A multi-Criteria decision making routing algorithm in Wireless Mesh Networks
• Time synchronized differentiated scheduling for multichannel communication in WSN
• Mobile sink for power management and efficient data dissemination in wireless sensor Networks.
• Efficient methodologies for the detection and isolation of sinkhole nodes in MANETs Mitigation of grey hole attack in mobile ad-hoc networks.