Highly qualified faculty having expertise in imparting language programme
Technology integrated teaching-learning environment
Latest curriculum of International standard
Language experiments in ESP Centre
Skill-based training for language teaching, technical writing relevant to Industries and language editing skills meant for journals and magazines
  • Department Library - 1,907 Books
  • Internet facilities to staff and students - Wi-Fi is provided to all staff and students
  • Total number of class rooms-2
  • Class rooms with ICT facility - 2

Details of increase in infrastructure facilities:



Newly created


Department  area




Class rooms





Reinstalled 36 students listening booth

Lab with computer and audio-visual facility established 


Seminar Halls




No. of important equipments purchased (≥ 10 lakh)  during the current year.


Global Arena Softtware


Value of the equipment purchased during the year (Rs. in Lakhs)


40 computers




70 chairs, Book scanner, 4 round tables


Language lab is divided into Computer lab and GD lab. It facilitates students to become proficient in spoken and written English. The students are given practice in listening oral presentation; turn taking, interview and group discussion.
Cambridge University, ESOL curriculum is offered for B.Tech lab course.