Nineteen vibrant student clubs involving around 4300 students and 370 faculty members per year function under the Centre for Extension Activities. This helps students acquire different skills for integrated personality development and inspire them to contribute to society through community services. Through these activities students get exposure to social realities which helps in building a link between the student community and the society, thereby instilling in them a social commitment.  Students get non-academic credits after successfully completing the club activities and assignments.

S.N Name of the Club Nature of activities
1. National Service Scheme (15 Units) ·                Red Ribbon Unit. To conduct awareness programmes in the adopted villages in and around Karunya University
2. Nature Club (Aqua Unit / Environment Unit/ Green Campus and Solid Waste Management Units) To conduct activities relating to environmental protection through activities such as nature trails, plantation programs, trekking in the forest, film screening on biodiversity and environmental related issues and various competitions and awareness campaigns. This club divided into 4 units, ie Aqua, Environment, Green Campus and Solid Waste Management.
3. Youth Red Cross To organize blood donation camps, first aid training programs, rural literacy programs, old age home visits etc.
4. Community Health Services To conduct Health related  services such as conducting health check-up camps, eye camps, health awareness campaigns, seminars etc.
5. Karunya Arts & Literary Association (KALA) To sharpen cultural talents-dancing, singing, dramatics literary talents of students. Students get opportunity to participate in cultural events such as singing, dancing and state level competitions.
6. Rotaract Club To conducts socially relevant activities such as AIDS awareness, Plastic eradication, leadership seminars etc.
7. Leadership & Toast Master Club To nurture students to be effective leaders and also fostering their public speaking and communication skills.
8. Journalism Club To enhance the communication skill and knowledge about the recent happenings in our country and around the world by investigating, analyzing and reporting.
9. Astronomy Club To conduct workshops to make the participants learn more about celestial objects such as stars, planets, comets, star clusters and galaxies etc through lectures by eminent professionals and sky watching
10. Food & Nutrition Club To provide training on food & nutrition related issues enabling you to conduct training and awareness programs for the community.
11. Photo & Video Club To provide skills and creative training in photography and videography to the students and an opportunity to exhibit their photography skill through competitions.
12. Music Club To nurture talented students and provide training and opportunity to showcase their talent through events and competitions
13. Science & Faith Dialogue Club To provide knowledge about Science and Faith.
14. Y’s Youth Club of Karunya To undertake sensitization camps and competitions to create awareness on the rights and responsibilities of every student towards the society and nation.
15. Software and Networking Club To train students from all technical branches with non-IT background in software useful in day-today applications, networking and safety.
16. Karunya Outreach Club (Introduced in 2014-15) & Bethesda Services To encourage in voluntary services by involving in activities like ushering and assisting the visitors at Bethesda International Prayer centre.
17. Vocational Training Club (Introduced in 2015-16) To provide training programmes for rural youth and unemployed women.