Funded Research Projects

Name of the Scheme / Project / Endowments / ChairsName of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable)Name of the Funding agencyType (Government / Non-Government)DepartmentYear of AwardFunds provided (INR in lakhs)
Sanitation project for backward class section of the Madvaraya puram village.Dr. Daphy Louis LoveniaPanchayat union,


GovernmentRegional Rural development,
2019 - 202096,000/-
Time and Motion study for the state of Tamil Nadu.Dr. Hepzibah A ChristinalDirectorate of Rural Development,

Government of Tamil Nadu.

GovernmentDirectorate of Rural Development, Government of Tamil Nadu.202051,95,300/-
3 Days Zonal Level Orientation Training Programme for YRC Volunteers (Students)Dr. Daphy Louis LoveniaINDIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY,
Tamil Nadu Branch.
Non-GovtIndian Red Cross Society2018 - 201990000/-
Inter State (National Level) YRC Training - cum - Study CampDr. Daphy Louis LoveniaINDIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY, Tamil Nadu Branch.Non-GovtIndian Red Cross Society2018 - 2019223237/-

Seed Money Projects

Name of the Faculty InvestigatorTitle of the ProjectYearAmount Sanctioned (Rs.)
Dr. P.G. Sunanda BhagavathyA reflective study on rendering services by the All-Women Police Station during the covid time2021-202210,000/-
Dr. SowmyaA study on sequel of tasmac reopening amidst covid-19 and its impact among rural women2021-202210,000/-
Dr. Beulah ShekharA retrospective study on child sexual abuse victimization and coping strategies2021-202210,000/-
Dr. Xavier LouisA study on fishing conflicts between Kanyakumari and Tuticorin districts2021-202210,000/-
Dr. C. Beulah Christalin LathaAI based Plant Leaf Disease Detection in Tomato Plants2021-202210,000/-
Dr. Mallika VijayakumarSocial media memes and value-based education2021-20227,000/-