S.No | Name of the Patenter | Patent Number | Title of the patent | Year of Award of patent |
1 | Dr. P. Jegathambal,Ms. A. Lincy, Ms. Shobina K Moses, Mr. Venkat Veeresh | 202141017946 | A Novel Foam Block for Treating Textile Dyeing Effluent | 2021 |
1 | Dr. P. Jegathambal | 2474/CHE/2015 | A method for decolourisation of Dyeing waste water by electro coagulation using titanium dioxide coated aluminium electrode | 2020 |
2 | Dr. J. Vimalin Henna | 201941030415 | Formulation and Evaluation of Ganoderma niosomal topical gel drug delivery system | 2019 |