Process for designing the program curriculum: The design of the program curriculum involves the following activities: • Identification of needs of the program. • Following the AICTE and UGC guideline in framing the curriculum. • Student’s feedback is considered in designing the program curriculum. • Faculty members from different disciplines are associated with the design of program curriculum. • Through different views collected from academic, industrial experts, recruiters and alumni the curriculum and scheme of courses are framed. • Different bodies which are involved in framing the scheme of courses in a curriculum are (i) Curriculum Development Cell (CDC) meeting. (ii) Board of Studies (BoS) meeting. (iii) Academic Council meeting. (iv) Board of Management (BoM) meeting. • Verification of scheme of courses is done by comparing the framed curriculum with similar courses run by institution of national importance like IIT and NIT. • The curriculum is validated in initial stages of its introduction by taking a feedback from students and faculty members regarding the effectiveness and applicability of the curriculum. • Analysis is done and necessary changes, if required in the curriculum are made to ensure that the PO/PSO’s are met through the curriculum.
(i) Role of Curriculum Development Cell: The Curriculum Development Cell consists of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors of the department. The team guided by HoD and academic coordinators will suggest the courses of the program by considering the inputs received from the experts from industry and academics. The syllabus for the course will be framed by the faculty members who are subject experts and if required also by industry experts by considering the POs and PSOs of the program and present in CDC. The structure of the program curriculum will be framed in the Curriculum Development Cell and it will be taken to Board of Studies.
(ii) Role of Board of Studies: The Board of Studies comprises of academic experts, industrial experts, alumni and faculty members of the program. The Board of studies will review the recommendations of the Curriculum Development Cell. The introduction of new electives, one credit courses etc will be put forward in the Board of Studies. The Board of Studies will review whether the new electives or one credit courses are in alignment with POs and PSOs of the program. The suggestion of the Board of Studies will be taken to the Academic Council.
(iii) Academic Council: The members of Academic Council comprising of experts from industry, academicians from IIT, NIT and senior faculty members will verify whether the program curriculum meets the POs and PSOs, discuss and suggest changes if required on the recommendations given by the Board of Studies of different programs.
(iv) Board of Management: The members of Board of Management will finalize the recommendation given by the Academic Council.