S.NoRegister NoNameTitle of the course
1ULK18RA001KevinControl of Mobile Robots
2ULK18RA001KevinIntroduction to Internet of Things and Embedded Systems
3ULK18RA001KevinWhat is "the mind" and what is Artificial intelligence
4URK18RA004Delwin MathewControl of Mobile Robots
5URK18RA004Delwin MathewIntroduction to Internet of Things and Embedded Systems
6URK18RA004Delwin MathewIntroduction to Programming with Matlab
7URK18RA004Delwin MathewWhat is "the mind" and what is Artificial intelligence
8URK18RA008Nivan NelsonPython for Everybody
9URK18RA009SamyukthaIntroduction to Internet of Things and Embedded Systems
10URK18RA009SamyukthaPython for Everybody
11URK18RA009SamyukthaCollaborative robot safety: Design and Deployment
12URK18RA011Antony AlexPython Data structures
13URK18RA011Antony AlexPython for Everybody
14URK18RA012KarthikeyanIntroduction to Augmented Reality and AR Core
15URK18RA012KarthikeyanIntroduction to Cyber Security tools and Cyber Attacks
16URK18RA012KarthikeyanGoogle cloud product fundamentals
17URK18RA013Chris RafaelPython for Everybody
18URK18RA013Chris RafaelCrash course on python
19URK18RA017Mohammed AlamPython for Everybody
20URK18RA017Mohammed AlamCrash course on python
21URK18RA017Mohammed AlamIntroduction to data science in python
22URK18RA024Sanu SanthoshControl of Mobile Robots
23URK18RA024Sanu SanthoshIntroduction to Internet of Things and Embedded Systems
24URK18RA024Sanu SanthoshIntroduction to Programming with Matlab
25URK18RA024Sanu SanthoshWhat is "the mind" and what is Artificial intelligence
26URK18RA026DharshiniAI For Everyone
27URK18RA026DharshiniPython for Everybody
28URK19RA1002Aditya Krishna V KData Collection and Processing with Python
29URK19RA1002Aditya Krishna V KElectric Power Systems
30URK19RA1002Aditya Krishna V KIntro to Digital Manufacturing with Autodesk Fusion 360
31URK19RA1002Aditya Krishna V KIntroduction to Artificial Intelligence
32URK19RA1002Aditya Krishna V KIntroduction to Internet of Things and Embedded Systems
33URK19RA1002Aditya Krishna V KIntroduction to Mechanical Engineering Design and Manufacturing with Fusion 360
34URK19RA1002Aditya Krishna V KPython Basics
35URK19RA1002Aditya Krishna V KStep into Robotic Process Automation
36URK19RA1002Aditya Krishna V KProgramming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
37URK19RA1003Kevin Shibu NinanAutodesk Fusion 360 Integrated CAD/CAM/CAE
38URK19RA1003Kevin Shibu NinanIntro to Digital Manufacturing with Autodesk Fusion 360
39URK19RA1004Pregada AkshayStep into Robotic Process Automation
40URK19RA1006Ajay Joshua VIntroduction to Psychology
41URK19RA1007Naveen JohnsonIntro to Digital Manufacturing with Autodesk Fusion 360
42URK19RA1008Anisha ClaretPython Basics
43URK19RA1010G.Giftson SamuelAI & Defence against dark arts
44URK19RA1011AshwinProgramming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
45URK19RA1013Salvin ThomasAI For Everyone
46URK19RA1013Salvin ThomasIntroduction to Internet of Things and Embedded Systems
47URK19RA1013Salvin ThomasPython Basics
48URK19RA1018Sharbin SPython Basics
49URK19RA1019Immanuel DavidsonPython Basics
50URK19RA1024G.Vishnu PriyaCrash Course on Python
51URK19RA1025Priyadarshan SPython Basics
52URK19RA1025Priyadarshan SStep into Robotic Process Automation
53URK19RA1027Isaac Vivin MPython Basics
54URK19RA1028Ancy Vetha ShalomyControl of Mobile Robots
55URK19RA1032Naveen JoseIntro to Digital Manufacturing with Autodesk Fusion 360
56URK19RA1033Thamarai Selvan SBuilding Arduino Robotics & Devices
57URK19RA1033Thamarai Selvan SPython Basics
58URK19RA1036Rituraj rayIntroduction and Programming with IoT Boards
59URK19RA1036Rituraj rayPython Basics
60URK19RA1036Rituraj rayData Science Math Skills
61URK19RA1036Rituraj rayTrading Algorithms
62URK19RA1036Rituraj rayProgramming with Cloud IoT Platforms
63URK19RA1037Ronald KControl of Mobile Robots
64URK19RA1038Jeffrisha JHControl of Mobile Robots