Funded Projects

Completed Projects

1Dr. Vasanthakumar,Study of Factors affecting the Long Term Oxidation Stability of Jatropha and Pongamia Biodiesel. No: DST/TSG/AF/2008/2227,28,000DST-TSP Government of India, New Delhi, India. (2009-2012)
2Dr. Muthu Vijayan EnochHost-guest association of coumarins and flavones with the self assembled nano-capsule of C-pyrogallol[4]-arene. No: SR/FT/CS-062/2009-2010.18,90,000DST-SERB, Government of India, New Delhi, India.(2010-2013)
3Dr. VasanthakumarDevelopment of matrices using sol-mel PHA produced of indigenous Pseudomonas sp. LDC-5. No: BT/PR11256/PID/450/2008 funds sharing with Lady Dock College, Madurai. Rs.50,50,000/-. (sharing)5,00,000DBT, Government of India, New Delhi, India. .(2010-2013)
4Dr. R. Nandhakumar,Binol based metal complexes for deracemization / resolution of chiral amino acids and amino alcohols: a novel approach for chiral synthesis. No: SR/FT/CS-95/2010 for Rs. 20,30,000/- (Completed).20,30,000DST-SERB, Government of India, New Delhi, India(2011-2014)
5Dr. V. Madhu.Investigation of new bimetallic catalysts for O2 and CO2 activation with enchanting catalytic properties: Green Chemistry Approach. (completed).25,30,000DST-SERB, Govt. of India, New Delhi(2012-2015)
6Dr. Mosae Selvakumar,Design, Synthesis and Characterization of novel metallo-supramolecular helicates and their application in molecular recognition. No: SERB/F/4480/2013-14. (Completed).24,56,000DST-SERB- Young Scientist Scheme, Govt. of India, New Delhi(2013-2016)
7Dr. N. AnanthiSynthesis of Novel chiral metalloporphyrins and their application in catalystic asymmetric epoxidation reactions. No: SB/FT/CS-074/2012. (Completed).22,38,000DST-SERB- Young Scientist Scheme, Govt. of India, New Delhi(2013-2016)
8Dr. B. JebasinghSynthesis, Characterization and Relaxivity Validations of Enzyme Mediated Self-Assembly, Smart MRI Probes for Molecular Imaging Applications. No: SB/FT/CS-169/2012. (Completed).25,00,000DST-SERB-Young Scientist Scheme, Govt. of India, New Delhi(2014-2017)
9Dr. B. JebasinghSynthesis, Characterization, and Fluorescence Studies of High Stable Complexes for Molecular Imaging (PET). Application No: 30-18/2012/SA-II/5339 &12715. (Completed).22,30,140UGC - Research Award for Teachers 2012-14, Govt. of India, New Delhi. (2014-2016)
10Dr. L. EmmanuvelSynthesis of highly substituted heterocycles via cyclization of novel metal carbenoids and investigation of their biological importance. No: SERB/F/4480/2014-15. (Completed).26,83,000 SERB-Young Scientist Scheme, Govt. of India, New Delhi(2014-2017)
11Dr. VasanthakumarWaste to Wealth - Alternate livelihood for the potter from waste pulp and polystyrene. No: DST/TSG/TC/2013/52-G. (Completed).36,89,000DST-TDT, Govt. of India, New Delhi(2015-2018).
12Dr. Indhumathi,Cobalt Complexes as photo chemo therapeutic agents. (Completed).35,00,000DST-Inspire, Govt. of India, New Delhi(2015-2018).
13Dr. V. MadhuDesign of Binuclear haem and Non-haem Based Transition Metal Catalysts: Synthesis, Characterization and Oxidation Catalysis through Dioxygen Activation. No: 30-11/2015/SA-II/11176 &6158. (Completed).17,74,519UGC - Research Award for Teachers 2014-16, Govt. of India, New Delhi.(2015-2017)
14Dr. T. SelvarajuSynthesizing functionalized biocompatible core-shell nanoparticles for Potential Application. No. SR/FT/CS-44/2011 dt 04th May 2016. (Completed).25,30,000DST-SERB-EMR, Govt. of India(2016-19)
15Dr. ShanmuganSilesquioxane based Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Framework Materials (SIOHF). (Completed).24,40,000DST-SERB, Govt. of India, New Delhi(2016-2019)
16Dr. B. JebasinghDevelopment of DOTA-Monoamide Based Smart Probes for Theranostic Imaging Application, A Collaborative Research project with M/s Microbiological Laboratory Research and Service P. Ltd., Coimbatore. , No. 100/IFD/6024/2016-2017. (Completed).98,95,000DST-TDT-Collaborative Project(2017-2020)
17Dr. B. JebasinghDevelopment of Covalent Intercalation Graphene Oxide Tagged with Fluorescent Tags for Light Harvesting Applications. No: CSR/Acctts/2016-17/1396. (Completed).7,39,800UGC-DAE-Consortium for Scientific Research (CSR)-Kalpakkam Node, Govt. of India(2017-2020).
18Dr. R. NandhakumarRational Design and Synthesis of Heterocycles Based Modular Fluorescent Chemosensors for Anions and Cations. No.: SERB-EMR/2016/005692. (Completed).34,20,560DST (SERB-EMR), Government of India, New Delhi, India(2017-2020)
19Dr. V. MadhuExtending π-Conjugation of Metal Bis-dithiolene with Organic Backbones: NIR Absorbing Hybrid Materials for Optoelectronic Applications. No.EMR/2016/006106. (Completed).38,28,760DST-SERB-EMR, Govt. of India, New Delhi.(2017-2020)
20Dr. K. Parameswari and Dr. P. JegathambalA Novel TiO2 coated Aluminium Electrode (TiO/Al) for textile dyeing waste water using real time controlled multi-channel elelctrocoagulation process. DST/TM/WTI/2016/237(C). Rs. /- (Completed).37,09,600DST-WTI, Govt. of India, New Delhi.(2017-2020)
21Dr. A. Samson Nesaraj.Development of nanocrystalline materials for solid oxide fuel cells working at 600 degree C.  CPRI/R&D/TC/GDEC/2019 dt 06.02.2019, (Completed. Extension requested).27,46,000CPRI, Ministry of Power(2018-2021)
22 Dr. V. VijaikanthVitamin B12 model Complexes; Cobaloximes with substituted Aromatic dioximes; Synthesis structure-Properly relationship studies and application in Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Generation. No: EMR/2016/ 006365. (Completed).64,62,995DST-SERB-EMR(2017-2021)
23 Dr. N. Ananthi Dual site binding of guest molecule-loaded β- cyclodextrin- porphyrin conjugates to G-Quadruplex DNA: Targeting G-Rich sequences. No. 37(2)/14/17/2018-BRNS).21,69,900Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, DAE, Govt. of India.(2019-2022)
24 Dr. Vasanth Kumar, Dr. Obadiah.Recovery of value added materials from non-hazardous wastes of silkworm industries. DST/TDT/WM/2019/73G.69,47,144 DST-TDT.(2019-2022)
25 Dr. G. Rajendra KumarOrganoantimony based Lewis acids: New class of stimuli responsive and phosphorescence materials.14,52,000DST-SERB-Start-up Research Grant,(2020-2023)
26 Dr. V. Madhu"Collaborative Research Scheme(CRS) Project of UGC-DAE CSR entitle ' Synthesis and Characterization of Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Materials for Photodetector Applications - CRS/2021-22/04/641.”"45,000UGC DAE2022-23

Ongoing Projects

1Dr. N. Ananthi (Co-investigator). Dual site binding of guest molecule-loaded β- cyclodextrin- porphyrin conjugates to G-Quadruplex DNA: Targeting G-Rich sequences. No. 37(2)/14/17/2018-BRNS).21,69,900Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, DAE, Govt. of India.(2019-2022)
2Dr. Vasanth Kumar, Dr. Obadiah.Recovery of value added materials from non-hazardous wastes of silkworm industries. DST/TDT/WM/2019/73G.69,47,144 DST-TDT.(2019-2022)
3Dr. G. Rajendra Kumar.Organoantimony based Lewis acids: New class of stimuli responsive and phosphorescence materials.14,52,000DST-SERB-Start-up Research Grant,(2020-2023)
4Dr. R. NandhakumarDesign and Fabrication of Hyper spectral camera for Remote sensing.89,90,000IIT Tirupati Navavishkar I-Hub Foundation (IITTNiF)2023-2025
5Dr. K. Parameswari, Dr. B. Jebasingh, Dr. K. Jegathambal, Dr. D. Khanna and Ms. RoshiniEstablishment of Environmental Isotope Hydrology and Geochemistry Facility for Sustainable Water Management in Semi-Arid Region of Peninsular India1,38,00,000DST FIST2023-2028

Funding Obtained for Conducting Conferences/Seminars/Symposium/Workshop

1 Dr. B. JebasinghNational Conference on Molecules to Materials -Solving Problems of Mankind (NCMM-2013), Feburary 15-16th 2013 held at Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences (Deemed to be University);,80,000DST- Rs. 50,000/- and BNRS-DAE: Rs. 30,000/-.2013
2Dr. V. Madhu.Science Academiesˈ Lecture Workshop On Recent Advances in Chemical Sciences (RACS-15), February 18th & 19th, 2015, held at Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences (Deemed to be University); Funding Agency: National Science Academies1,40,500(IASc, INSA and NASI), Rs. 1,40,500/-.2015
3Dr. V. Madhu.First International Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Sciences (ICFCS-2020), Held at Department of Chemistry, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore during 4-5th March 2020.1,00,000DST-SERB, Govt. of India, New Delhi2020
4Dr. V. Madhu and Dr. B. JebasinghInternational Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Sciences – ICFCS-202350,000CSIR2023, 21 and 22 October 2023


1 Dr. B. JebasinghQuantification AT in the Domestic Wire Samples7,08,000V-Guard Industries India Ltd, Coimbatore25.02.2023 to 30.10.2023
2Dr. R. NandhakumarAutomatic Lubricant Dispensing System with Precise Flow Control8,99,000Hindustan Leather Limited, Trivandram, KeralaJan 2023 - Sep 2023

Externally Funded Projects

Mega Projects

  • PI: Dr. A. Samson Nesaraj, Professor & Head, Department of Applied Chemistry
  • Co-PI: Dr. A. Immanuel Selvakumar, Professor & Head, Department of EEE
  • Funding Agency: Central Power Research Institute, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India
  • Date of Sanction: 06-02-2019
  • Date of completion (if completed) : 31-07-2021[Extension requested till Dec. 2021]
  • Total grant (approved and received) : Rs. 27.46 lakhs (approved) / Rs. 24.96 lakhs


This project entitled, “Development of nanocrystalline materials for solid oxide fuel cells working at 600o C” aims to develop alternate electrolyte, cathode and anode materials from nanoceramics with improved specific functional characteristics in order to reduce the operating temperature of SOFC from 1000o C to about 600o C (low temperature range). In order to reduce the cathode polarization loss, a novel strategy of using nanocrystalline cathodes with composition Ln1-xSrxCo1-yFeyO3-δ (where Ln = Nd or Gd; x=0.05, 0.10, 0.15 &0.20 and y = 0.05, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20) is prepared. The anode performance is improved by adopting nano-structured composite material based on NiO - Ce1-xNdxO2-δ - Ce1-yGdyO2-δ (where x = 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 and y = 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20). A novel nano-composite ceramic electrolyte material based on ceria with the composition of Ce1-xNdxO2-δ - Ce1-yGdyO2-δ (where x= 0.05, 0.10, 0.15 & 0.20 and y = 0.05, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20). Neodymium-doped ceria (NDC) and Gadolinium-doped ceria (GDC) is also developed.

  • PI: Dr. V. Madhu
  • Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)
  • Date of Sanction: 17-June-2017
  • Date of completion (if completed) : 16-June-2020
  • Total grant (approved and received) : Rs. 35,92,490/-


The development of metal functionalized carbazole and fluorene are challenging task for advancing the research progress in this emerging field of opto electronic applications. Because, metal-organic dyes have their unique advantage, the dye including metal is easier to capture electron and slow electron–hole recombination, good thermal stability, processibility, so it is easier to promote its solar-to-electricity conversion efficiency. Moreover, the dyes with strong absorption in the near-infrared (NIR) region have received increasing attention in the past decades owing to their potential applications including NIR light-emitting diodes, biosensing, photovoltaic cells, and telecommunication. The introduction of both donor and acceptor substituents into the parent chromosphere with π-electron delocalization leads to charge transfer (CT) absorption band in the NIR region, which is a simple but promising strategy to achieve NIR absorbing dyes. In this context, metal dithiolene complexes are promising dyes, which gives rise to a strong absorption in the near-IR region, but inadequately explored. Further, metal dithiolene complexes form a well-known class of compounds whose peculiar electronic structures determine their conducting, magnetic, and optical properties. Envisions, metal-dithiolene-carbazole and fluorene based planar and π-extended dyes could exhibit the prompt change in the structure, electrical, optical and conducting properties with respect to metal oxidation state. Where, the electron donor part is represented by the carbazole or/and fluorene units and electron acceptor part is represented by metal -dithiolene unit, thereby, HOMO-LUMO energy levels minimization will occur, which lead the absorpton to longer wavelength. So, it should be possible to achieve NIR absorbing optoelectronic materials through tuning electron donor moieties, metal oxidation state and extended π-conjugation.

  • PI: Dr. V. Madhu
  • Funding Agency: University Grant Commission (UGC)
  • Date of Sanction: 1-04-2015
  • Date of completion (if completed) : 31-03-2017
  • Total grant (approved and received) : Rs. 17,745,19/-


In this project, we have synthesized and characterized the different type of Non-haem Based mono and bimetallic complexes of transition metal (Cu(I), Co(II), Mn(II), Ni(II) and Ru(II)) ions. The catalytic activity of cobalt-NNN pincer complexes have been investigated for N-alkylation of both aromatic and aliphatic amines with alcohols via BH as well as ADC of alcohols and amines to imine. We have also developed molecularly defined NNN-type cobalt pincer complex catalyzed transfer semi-hydrogenation of unbiased alkynes to Z-selective alkenes. This unified process is highly stereo-, and chemo-selective and exhibits a broad scope as well as wide functional group tolerance. Ammonia-borane (AB), a bench-stable substrate with high gravimetric hydrogen capacity was used as a safe and practical transfer hydrogenating source. Besides, the catalytic activity of arene ruthenium(II)-NNN pincer complexes have been investigated for the reduction of nitrobenzene in presence of NaBH4 in ethanol at room temperature. Furthermore, we are under the progress of the utilization of the complexes for various oxidation reactions like Olefin epoxidation, alcohol oxidation with different supporting oxidants like O2 and H2O2, etc,

  • PI: Dr. R. Nandhakumar
  • Funding Agency: SERB - EMR
  • Date of Sanction: 09 June, 2017
  • Date of completion (if completed) : 08 June, 2020
  • Total grant (approved and received) : Rs. 3420560 /- & Rs. 28,26,000 /--


For the past three years, our research was focused on the development of chemosensors for different ions and in particular cations. So far, several publications have come out of this project in highly reputable journals. During this time, newer mechanisms and novel molecules have been obtained. All of the unknown scaffolds have been completely characterized using the spectroscopy, analytical and microscopy techniques and some of them were solved using the crystal structures also. In the application parts, we have tested water samples, food ingredients, bio imaging of cells and microorganisms, molecular logic gate applications, molecules as antimicrobial agents, electroanalytical studies, visible colour change for certain analytes etc. During this period, national and international collaboration were initiated various professors for bio studies and theoretical studies. So far, TWENTY publications have been achieved which includes ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Food Chemistry, ACS Omega, New Journal of Chemistry, Analytica Chimica acta etc. We are giving our best to make some real level products out of our research findings, but yet to achieve.

  • PI: Dr. S. Vasanthkumar
  • Co-PI: Dr. A. Samson nesaraj
  • Funding Agency: DST
  • Date of Sanction: 28.05.2008
  • Date of completion (if completed) : 28 .05.2012
  • Total grant (approved and received) : Rs. 27.28 L


Studied the effect of antioxidants on oxidation stability of Pongamia pinnata (Kharanja) and Jatrophs curcus biodiesel have varied the atmosphere conditions and concentration of the antioxidants from 100 ppm to 5000 ppm so that the optimum concentration of antioxidants to be added is clearly brought out. Kinematic viscosity and Acid value to understand the oxidative stability of pongamia biodiesel. The storage duration of pongamia pinnata biodiesel is 25 weeks at 300C according to ASTM – 4625-300C/ 25weeks method. The storage duration of pongamia pinnata biodiesel is 25 weeks at 430C according to ASTM – 4625-430C/ 25 weeks method. In our study compared to five antioxidants such as BHT, BHA, TBHQ, PY, GA. Pyrogallol (PY) is the best antioxidant for oxidative and storage stability compared to another four antioxidants..

  • PI: Dr. S. Vasanthkumar
  • Funding Agency: DBT
  • Date of Sanction: 26.08. 2010
  • Date of completion (if completed) : 26.08.2013
  • Total grant (approved and received) : 50.50 L KU.Rs.3.4 L


Preparation of matrices with different porosity with their characterization. Electrospinning facility was set up. Electrospinning of various commercially available polymers were attempted. Matrices of commercial PHB and PHA+VAL were prepared. SEM characterization of the prepared matrices was carried out.

  • PI: Dr. S. Vasanthkumar
  • Co-PI: Dr. C.N. Manoj, Pelican Bio tech. & Chemical Lab
  • Funding Agency: DST-TSG
  • Date of Sanction: 05.05.2015
  • Date of completion (if completed) : 28 .05.2018
  • Total grant (approved and received) : Rs. 36.89 L Received: Rs.22, 83,866/-


Creation of protocols to mass produce pots from waste paper pulp and polystyrene solution. Substitute clay with paper pulp as the former is getting costlier and at the same time the mining of clay is creating ecological concerns. Creating a carbon neutral/eco-friendly/waste recycling program where at one side waste pulp and polystyrene wastes are consumed and recycled thereby preventing them from getting to the nature and at the same time creating an alternative liveli hood for potters by creating diversified products enabling them to reduce the mining of clay which is now creating ecological concerns. Curriculum for training of potters.

  • PI: Dr. S. Vasanthkumar
  • Co-PI: Dr. A. Obadiah
  • Funding Agency: DST
  • Date of Sanction: 19.03.2020
  • Date of completion (if completed) : 19 .03.2023
  • Total grant (approved and received) : Rs.69, 47,144/- Received: 30,13,912/-


This project will provide financially viable value adding, zero discharge process. To integrate the existing sericulture development program with this project such that value addition become an integral part of sericulture. The chitinaceous matrix used in biocontrol agent will be one of the most potent organic pesticide ever as the chitin matrix of larvae is similar to the chitin exo-skeleton of pest larvae. To fine tune a mechanical expelling machine that can physically separate chitinaceous solid and protein/lipid fluid fractions in cocoon waste. To fine tune a hybrid centrifuge – solvent extraction unit that can separate the emulsion into sericin fraction, oil fraction and Aqueous fraction. To forward link chitinaceous matrix for use in biocontrol. To purify the sericin protein by mechanical and biochemical methods. To evaluate the utility of lipid fraction in bio-fuel and other applications. Anaerobically digest all the biodegradable waste generated out of this into biogas and organic manure.

  • PI: Dr. V. Vijaikanth
  • Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India
  • Date of Sanction: 19.03.2020
  • Date of completion (if completed) : 28th July 2017
  • Total grant (approved and received) : Rs. 64,62,995/-


Cobaloximes are extensively used as model compounds of vitamin B12. The synthesis of cobaloximes with new synthetic routes and modified structural features continues to be a major focus in the field of research since they find applications in various fields. A series of inorganic cobaloxime complexes with pyridine and aniline based ligands substituted with carboxylic acid group have been synthesized and characterized. The crystal structures of the complexes show that the cis influence exerted by both chloride and bromide ions are approximately same. The complexes have been synthesized with various dioximes. In both dimethyl glyoxime and diphenyl glyoxime complexes, the Co-Nax distance is slightly higher in aniline substituted complex compared to the pyridine analogue. The catalytic activity of the complexes towards proton reduction in various solvents and acids have been studied. The complexes have been attached to the electrode surface and characterized. The catalytic activity of the modified electrode has been studied. The studies show that the catalyst is stable on the electrode surface. In additions, the complexes show potential application as antibacterial agents. The cobaloxime complexes were screened for their antibacterial activity against Methicilin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Acinetobacter baumannii by well diffusion method and found to exhibit inhibition against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. The study also evaluated the efficacy of cobaloxime which could inhibit the formation of biofilms on Congo red agar medium.

  • PI: Dr G Rajendra Kumar
  • Funding Agency: SERB
  • Date of Sanction: 10/12/2020
  • Date of completion (if completed) : On-going
  • Total grant (approved and received) : 1452000


This project aims at developing organoantimony based luminescent materials and exploring their possible applications in the field of materials science. Given the importance of main group molecular materials in modern technologies, we intend to find the effect of antimony on the electronic structure of conjugated molecules. The resulting materials are expected to show high luminescence quantum yield, air stability and catalytic properties.

Karunya Seed money project

  • PI: R. Nandhakumar
  • Department: Department of Applied Chemistry
  • Date of Sanction: 15th, December 2016
  • Date of completion (if completed) : 31st March, 2017
  • Total grant (approved and received) : Rs. 30,000 /-


The development of artificial receptors for the recognition of Chiral species is currently of great interest as highly selective chiral sensing is imperative for many areas, including environmental, biological, clinical, and waste management applications. Fluorescent sensors have been recognized as indispensable tools for monitoring ions and biomolecules with high sensitivity in cells and tissues and their potential for progress can be explained by the distinct advantages offered by fluorescence detection in terms of sensitivity, selectivity, response time, local observation, etc. Since the enantiomeric recognition of chiral compounds was pioneered by Cram et al. in the early 1970s, investigations on highly sensitive and selective enantioselective recognition of chiral organic molecules have received increasing attention. Various techniques have been applied to detect these species, such as NMR, UV/vis, and fluorescence spectroscopy. Fluorescent and colorimetric sensors allow for the real time and space detection of analytes. Accordingly, fluorescence and colorimetric changes have been actively adopted for chiral recognition. Chiral fluorescence and colorimetric sensors can be used for rapid determination of the enantiometric composition of chiral compounds with high sensitivity and high-throughput screening (HTS) determination. The fluorescent chemosensors composed of an amino acid recognition unit (ionophore) together with a fluorogenic reporting unit (fluorophore) and thus the conjugate is described as fluoroionophore. In this present study, we describe the synthesis of a novel heterocycles based colorimetric Fluorescent chemosensors for the selective detection and chiral discrimination of naturally occurring amino acids by the dual mode experimentation of both fluorimetry and colorimetry using the supramolecular principles. Fluorophores like pyrene, anthracence, naphthalene and modular spacers like xylelene dibromide, 1,2-dibromo ethane will be used. The chiral recognition unit like amino alcohols, amino acids or other small heterocycle based chiral molecules will be inducted as the recognition unit in the fluoroionophore.

  • PI: Dr. A. Obadiah
  • Department: Chemistry
  • Date of Sanction: 22.01.2013
  • Date of completion (if completed) : 24.03.2014
  • Total grant (approved and received) : Rs.25,000/-


This study mainly involves the synthesis of Biodiesel from eucalyptus leaves using alkali catalyst. The transesterification reaction conditions such as Temperature, methanol to oil ratio, catalyst ratio, RPM to be optimized. Characterization of the biodiesel before and after blending. The properties of biodiesel such like density, viscosity, calorific value, carbon residue value, cloud and pour point and water content will be evaluated. The effect of eucalyptus biodiesel and other biodiesel from their plant sources in tghe following ratio 10:90. 20:80, 30: 70, 40: 60, 50: 50. 60:40, 70:30, 80:20, 90: 10, 100. To estimate the Cloud point all the biodiesel samples blended with eucaylptus biodiesel. To study the oxidative stability of all the biodiesel samples using Rancimat methodology.

  • PI: Dr. A. Obadiah / Dr. S. Vasanthkumar
  • Department: Chemistry
  • Date of Sanction: 05.12.2018
  • Date of completion (if completed) : 24.05.2020
  • Total grant (approved and received) : Rs.25,000/-


Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) receive great attention, due to their high porosity which promises applications in gas storage, separations, catalysis and heat transformation etc. Metal-organic framework materials (MOFs) combine the bulk phase properties of the MOFs together with the additional physical/chemical properties derived from nano-sized particles, which can display improved properties. The MOFs will be synthesized by facile hydrothermal process and ultra sonication method. The synthesized MOFs were characterized by various techniques in order to examine the structural, morphological and adsorption-desorption properties. Some of the techniques employed will be TEM, SEM, PXRD, XPS, BET and FT-IR spectroscopy. The electrochemical, photochemical properties of the MOF are determined for supercapacitor applications, phenol degradation applications. The carcinogenic cationic, anionic dyes and Phenol in contaminated water can be degraded using Novel MOFs. The degradation pathway of the pollutant molecule will be studied by LC-MS spectroscopy. The mineralization efficiency of the pollutants will be evaluated using TOC analysis. The recyclability and stability of the MOFs will be investigated by recycling the catalyst and PXRD spectroscopy.

  • PI: Dr. V. Vijaikanth
  • Department: Applied Chemistry
  • Date of Sanction: January 24, 2013
  • Date of completion (if completed) : May 2013
  • Total grant (approved and received) : Rs. 6000/-


Among the model complexes of vitamin B12, it has been observed that the Cobaloximes RCo (L)2B simulate the reaction of vitamin B12 more closely, both qualitatively and quantitatively where R=Organo group, L=dimethyl gloxime and B= base. Since small structural changes in the molecule have a profound effect on the Co-C bond reactivity, the synthesis of new or modified Cobaloximes continues to attract the attention. A series of inorganic Cobaloximes containing aniline and substituted anilines as a neutral base have been synthesized. The complexes have been synthesized by two methods. The compounds have been characterized by IR spectroscopy. The results show that electron donating substituents weakens the Co-N bond. Co-N (base) bond is stronger in pyridine compared to aniline complexes. However more examples and characterization techniques should be taken for bringing a general conclusion.

  • PI: Dr. V. Vijaikanth
  • Department: Applied Chemistry
  • Date of Sanction: December 15, 2016
  • Date of completion (if completed) : May 2017
  • Total grant (approved and received) : Rs. 12000/-


Cobaloximes are the model complexes related to vitamin-B12 and coenzyme vitamin-B12. These complexes show potential applications in various fields including organic synthesis, hydrogen generation, and anti-microbial activities. The inorganic cobaloximes of type [ClCo(dmgH)2B]; where dmgH = dimethyl glyoxime and B = neutral bases: Ethylamine, Glycine, 2-Aminopyridine, 3-Aminopyridine, 4-Aminopyridine, p-Toluidine, Aniline, 2-6 Diaminopyridine and 1-Napthylamine have been synthesized. The synthesized cobaloximes were characterized by IR, UV-visible, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectroscopic techniques. The cobaloxime complexes were screened for their antibacterial activity against Methicilin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) and Acinetobacter baumannii (A.baumannii) by the methods: (i) The zone of inhibition test (ii) Biofilm eradication on biomaterial and (iii) Modified Congo red agar method. It is found that all the cobaloxime complexes exhibit inhibition against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria.

  • PI: Dr G Rajendra Kumar
  • Department: Chemistry
  • Date of Sanction: 05/08/2020
  • Date of completion (if completed) : 04/08/2021
  • Total grant (approved and received) : 6000 INR-


This project aims at developing boron based novel luminescent materials and their application in hazard detection.

  • PI: Dr. A. Samson Nesaraj
  • Department: Department of Chemistry
  • Date of Sanction: 05-12-2018
  • Date of completion (if completed) : 23-10-2019
  • Total grant (approved and received) : Rs. 25000


In this study, the reproducibility of a novel crystal of Ag / Cobalt-sulfide/ with RGO hybrid composite has been established. It has been observed that the formation of crystal structure is beneficial in providing the fast ions and electron transport due to the electrode-electrolyte interface (migration/diffusion mechanism). Specifically, the prepared composite is a promising one to prepare low-cost electrode materials. The ternary interpenetrated electrode has achieved high specific capacitance of 1388 F g–1 with good cyclic stability (98%). This composition is a good electrode material for electrochemical capacitors


  • Name of Inventors: Dr. A. Obadiah
  • Department: Department of Applied Chemistry
  • Date of filing/publishing/granting : 14.08.2020 / 04.09.2020


The invention relates to a water filter, said filter comprises of a clean water chamber; an internally threaded neck on the top of the clean water chamber. A funnel shaped water collection chamber with an externally threaded narrow neck on its bottom which has a filter arrangement. The dirty water is collected in the water collection chamber; and the internally threaded neck can be temporarily screwed with the externally threaded narrow neck of the clean water chamber.

  • Name of Inventors: Dr. J. Prabhu & Dr. R. Nandhakumar
  • Department: Department of Applied Chemistry
  • Date of filing/publishing/granting : Patent application No. 202041021145 dated 19.05.2020


Ampoules are inevitable in the scientific and medical field. In the fast-moving world, simple grinding or breaking up of ampoules to utilize the medicines in it, is unsafe to humans and environment. A very small glass micro or even nano particle from ampoule may create momentum crucial death of patient. These micro glass particles are difficult to remove from the body after it has been injected along with medicine into the body such as human, animals, birds etc. Besides, there is every chance of losing the lifesaving medicines during the breaking of these ampoules. Herein, we report a new ampoule glass penetrator which does not produce any micro glass particles and cause of any injury to our body and also zero wastage of medicines during the process of work. Moreover, this glass apparatus abide the rule of green technology, because upon breaking of ampoules no glass pieces will come out of ampoules. Even after the usage of these ampoules it can be reused in a simple way of fusing it for any purpose except medical purpose. In addition, in our ampoule bottle penetrator, a temperature regulator is fixed to produce different temperature on the tungsten tip. This ensures to create a hole on different types of bottles like soda, borosilicate, lead or plastics ampoule bottles at the same time when ampoules bottles are approaching at emergency period in hospitals or Pharmaceutical industries. An indicator led light is also used to ensure the current in the AB penetrator.

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  • Name of Inventors: Dr. J. Prabhu, Dr. R. Nandhakumar and Mr. Joseph Chinnadurai
  • Department: Department of Applied Chemistry & Department of Robotics Engineering


IMFD – Glass Lactometer is a multi-functional small glass instrument that is used to test the purity of the milk via the principle of specific gravity of milk (Archimede’s Principle) and pH paper. In addition Colouri/fluorescent papers also give the level of the milk when IMFD – GL dipped into the milk during with / without light. The purity of the milk also tested via special PCB circuit which is fixed around Glass lactometer. Main objective of the instrument is to test the water content in the milk.

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  • Name of Inventors: A. Samson Nesaraj, S. Dharani Priya and A. Deepi
  • Department: Applied Chemistry
  • Date of filing/publishing/granting : 07 August, 2020


The present invention discloses an improved, instant, straightforward, facile one pot chemical synthesis of ultra pure carbon nano flake (CNF) particles employing cost effective reagents and simple reaction set-up. The process of the present invention comprises of following steps; a) mixing predetermined weight ratio of characterized combination of urea and glycine in a silica crucible followed by dissolving with predetermined volume of double distilled water at a predetermined temperature range to form a homogeneous solution; b) introducing the homogeneous solution in a preheated furnace maintained at predetermined temperature in which the homogeneous solution froths within a fraction of second followed by catching fire to form very fine fluffy voluminous glossy carbon nano flake (CNF) particles; c) grounding the carbon nano flake (CNF) particles to form fine powder carbon nano flake (CNF) particles followed by storing in a container.

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  • Name of Inventors: Dr. K. Parameswari
  • Department: Applied Chemistry


The present invention discloses a novel process for decolourisation of dyeing waste water utilizing electrocoagulation technique. The present invention also discloses a novel process for preparing TiO2 coated aluminium (TiO2/Al) electrode. The process for decolourisation of dyeing waste water comprises of utilizing developed TiO2 coated aluminium (TiO2/Al) electrode as sacrificial anode and cathode in electrocoagulation process. The novel process for decolourisation of dyeing waste water exhibits maximum durability for electrode, achieving high dye removal efficiency with less reaction time and energy in the coagulation process.