1 | Blessy Elsa Varghese IV B.Tech EEE „B‟Section UR12EE040 | Second Prize for the Project Titled "Hydrokinetic Energy Generator" | Department of EEE, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore | 1000 | Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, 29.04.2016 | Best Project Award (UG Project Category- 2015-2016) |
2 | Deney Ann Shajon IV B.Tech EEE „B‟Section UR12EE045 | | | | | |
3 | Rini Hannah IV B.Tech EEE „B‟Section UR12EE132 | | | | | |
4 | Abhinav Jose IV B.Tech EEE „B‟Section UR12EE003 | First Prize for the Project Titled "Cricket Bowling Machine" | Department of EEE, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore | 1500 | Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, 29.04.2016 | Best Project Award (UG Project Category - 2015-2016) |
5 | Praveen Perumal IV B.Tech EEE „B‟Section UR12EE101 | | | | | |
6 | Rohit K Anil IV B.Tech EEE „B‟Section UR12EE112 | | | | | |